Synecdoche, New York (2008)Director:Charlie Kaufman
Writer:Charlie Kaufman
Philip Seymour Hoffman ... Caden Cotard
Catherine Keener ... Adele Lack
Michelle Williams ... Claire Keen
Samantha Morton ... Hazel
Jennifer Jason Leigh ... Maria
Everything is more complicated than you think.
You only see a tenth of what is true.
There are a million little strings
attached to every choice you make.
You can destroy your life every time you choose.
But maybe you won't know for 20 years
and you may never, ever trace it to its source.
And you only get one chance to play it out.
Just try and figure out your own divorce.
And they say there is no fate,
but there is,
it's what you create.
And even though the world goes on for eons and eons
you are only here for a fraction of a fraction of a second.
Most of your time is spent being dead or not yet born.
But while alive, you wait in vain
wasting years
for a phone call or a letter or a look from someone or something to make it all right.
And it never comes,
or it seems to, but it doesn't really.
So you spend your time in vague regret
or vaguer hope that something good will come along.
Something to make you feel connected.
Something to make you feel whole.
Something to make you feel loved.
And the truth is
I feel so angry.
And the truth is
I feel so fucking sad.
And the truth is, I've felt so fucking hurt
for so fucking long.
And for just as long, I've been pretending I'm okay
just to get along,
just for--
I don't know why.
Maybe because no one wants to hear about my misery
because they have their own.
Well, fuck everybody.
總是有突兀的結尾。主角老了,賴以行動的生命力與他命令搭建的佈景同步凋零,回歸於無,電影文本的人造語言卻像是倉卒罷工的堆高積木橫豎成塔,懸而未決,搖搖欲墜。劇終,語言嘎然而止,留下的是面對生存,人的欲望不息的張力。”I know how to do this play now.”他留下這最後的古怪的欲望。儘管他的生命可悲,但這是他賴以實踐生命的方式 ,他的生命也賴以維持。
感想:片名應該改成[正宗!蘭花賊續集!] 考夫曼你這個神經病!!!!

太可愛了!!! 想不到你竟然可以可愛到像布萊德彼特(的小孩) !!!!!!