Sean Penn on Rolling Stone February 2009

Sean Penn on Rolling Stone April 1996

Sean Penn on Rolling Stone May 1983
rolling stone Interview - on Feb 2009
rs: It was strange watching the film post-Prop 8 — how eerily it paralleled that
fight. And of course in Milk, they win out on the ballot issue, while we're
watching 30 years later having just lost on a similar issue. Were you surprised?
sp: No. Only because I was talking to people in the system, including Mayor [Gavin]
Newsom here, who were worried. I was surprised when I heard the numbers among
black voters, which was fucking shameful. And, of course, the Mormons. What it
comes down to is the churches are not operating like instruments of love.
They're hate machines. They're ignorance factories.
rs: How did you feel, early on, hearing yourself described as a "rebel"
or a "bad boy"?
sp: Um, you know, I didn't read that stuff. The worst of my time in the spotlight
was the Eighties, and back then, I was more interested in acting during the
day and drinking at night.
rs: The only one of those I've seen is Benjamin Button. Brad Pitt is good,
but I found the movie unwatchably sentimental.
sp: Yeah, but I don't care: David Fincher was robbed on Fight Club, and he
deserves whatever he gets. If this one is sentimental, it's not just some
guy jerking off. You know it's coming from his heart, as a sincere attempt
at dealing with the world.